Thursday, August 14, 2008



最近不少以前并肩工作的同事离开acn了,嗯,他们大多数都是满怀不爽离开的。生活真实不容易啊,在房子、子女教育、名誉等等的重压下,一个个不得不工作得很累,而且常常在工作中的不到快乐。我一直很讨厌这种生活,但是估计也难以挣脱了。最近听个歌儿,是Avril Lavign 的老公唱的,叫Underclass hero,听起来很爽,第一句就很爽,Well, I won't be caught living in the dead end job. 还有 spit right in the face of the establishment等等。但是也只能暗自爽一下了,其实就是自我安慰。


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in Indonesia, especially in Java, leech oil is commonly used for enlarging the sizegenetics of the male vital organ. It is usually believed that massaging your penis using warm leech oil for around 10 minutes daily will increase penis sizegenetics permanently. Leech oil is made by cooking the leech and other herbs inside fresh green coconuts that are boiled over charcoals. While there's a lot of sorts of leeches (all of them don't feed on human's blood, surprisingly), similar to Greek and Indian therapy, the Javanese only use the Hirudo medicinalis over other species.